Thursday, September 28, 2017


Doctors create cancer at the same amount as the common inhabitants. And doctors DIE of cancer at the same amount as the common inhabitants.

Obviously, that means that doctors don’t know how to avoid or cure cancer because if they did, they would certainly prevent cancer from creating in themselves. And if they did create cancer – they would know how to remedy it.

But they don’t!

So why would you go to a doctor for the treatment of your cancer when a medical expert doesn’t even know how to avoid or cure cancer in himself (or herself)?

Surveys show that 78% of doctors would NOT have chemo if they designed cancer, yet they invariably recommend it for their sufferers.

Why do 78% of doctors in reviews react that they would NOT have chemotherapy?

The answer includes the following:

Doctors see the terrible struggling their sufferers, family members, and buddies go through while on chemo.

Doctors ALL know that chemo causes cancer, so it is unnecessary to “treat” a cancer individual with a expected “therapy” that causes cancer – a illness the individual already has!

Doctors observe their sufferers who take chemo develop sluggish and sluggish, becoming slimmer, more delicate, and more sick, losing the majority of their muscle tissue while at some point, struggling from severe nausea or vomiting, throwing up, the loss of hair and several other life-threatening adverse reactions of the toxic drugs they are being given by their doctor, the one who ought to help them. Yet, the physician’s “treatment” results in an abominable “quality of life” and actually motivates multiplication of the patient’s cancer because the “treatment” inhibits the patient’s defense mechanisms, the one program that the individual needs in order to get well.

Doctors observe their sufferers, family members, and buddies, DIE as with the toxic chemo. Some cancer sufferers actually die from the toxic chemo drugs and not from their cancer!

Doctors also know that radiation causes cancer. That’s why doctors tell sufferers, “Don’t get too many x-rays. X-rays cause cancer because they are radiation.” How can a cancer individual be treated of cancer by being “treated” with a “therapy” that causes cancer?

Doctors obviously don’t want cancer sufferers to know they take “immunosuppressive drugs” – drugs that reduce their defense mechanisms and motivate cancer to develop and distribute, nor do doctors want body system organ implant sufferers to know that they take chemo drugs – for the rest of their lifestyle (so their body system won’t decline the organ), drugs that cause cancer.

In fact, when a individual has a body system body organ implant, his chance of creating cancer enhances. Furthermore, his chance of creating a specific type of cancer – non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma – improves by seven times, according to the Nov 2, 2011, issue of the Publication of the United states Healthcare Organization.

That’s why doctors tell cancer sufferers they take chemo drugs – but they tell implant sufferers they take immunosuppressive drugs – even though the medicine is given to both cancer sufferers and body system organ implant people are basically the SAME drugs.

These drugs reduce the patient’s defense mechanisms so the implant individual won’t decline his replanted body system organ, but that same defense reduction considerably reduces the body’s ability to fight illness, and therefore, the implant individual may create cancer specifically consequently of getting the drugs. And cancer individual discovers that his cancer will eventually develop and distribute because of the reduction of his defense mechanisms due to the chemotherapy!

So why, if chemo is so dangerous, do doctors recommend it for their sufferers – even when 78% of the doctors state they would not take chemo themselves if they designed cancer?

In some states in the U.S., thanks to the Medication Organizations and the “lock” on doctors by their doctors’ “union” – the United states Healthcare Organization – it is unlawful for a doctor to cure any cancer individual with any method other than toxic chemo, burning radiation, or mutilating surgery treatment. If they do, they will lose their certificate to use medicine.

Doctors don’t know what else to do because we doctors are never trained in our medical coaching how to get a individual truly well from cancer – or any other illness for that matter. All we are trained to do is, 1) give dangerous, toxic drugs to cover up the symptoms of the illness and then create the individual “feel” better – drugs that have some of adverse reactions that cause additional illnesses, but never address the main cause of the initial illness which also carries on to progress, or 2) cut out the patient’s body areas or cut off their body system areas. But no illness has ever been due to individual having “too many” body areas or “too many” body system areas. That’s why cutting them off – or out – never treatments the patient’s problem. Melanoma will just come back in the same position, or a different position within your body system or the individual will experience a different life-threatening illness.
All illnesses – such as ALL malignancies – do NOT “fall from the sky” nor do they “just occur.” We provide them with to ourselves slowly, one day simultaneously, over many years, by the way, we stay, think, act, eat, and take care of pressure. We give ourselves cancer – and every other illness that we create. None of us do it on purpose. We do it ignorantly, but we do it just the same.

The Good News is that if we have done it to ourselves by the way we have been living, thinking, performing, eating, and managing pressure – then we can REVERSE the illness by CHANGING the way we stay, think, act, eat, and take care of pressure.

But we doctors are trained that cancer – and all other illnesses – “just occur.” And that’s what we are trained to tell sufferers. But if that is true, then you are totally helpless! You are at the whim of your doctor – who has been trained to recommend dangerous Drugs or mutilating surgery treatment – neither of which could create you well, and both of which are really agonizing The doctor will tell you there is no other option – and he or she actually considers that, because that is what we all have been trained in our medical coaching.

Why are doctors not trained how to get people well from their diseases?

Because the Medication companies have tremendous power over medical educational institutions and it doctors receive because drug companies provide a lot of the study financing for med school analysis – in large number to create more drugs! It’s the old “golden rule” – “He who has the gold – rules!

Also, drug companies have tremendous power over the medical publications and the content they post (which set up requirements of medical practice) because the medical publications contain more webpages of high-priced four-color advertising by the drug companies than actual webpages that contain the medical content. If a medical journal starts posting content that contain information on how to get a individual well without recommending drugs to the individual, the drug companies will “pull” their expensive ads, and that particular medical journal will go under and disappear. So, it’s not hard to figure out why medical publications reject to post content on treatment.

Your Physician Can’t Treat Your Cancer
He Can’t Avoid or Treat His Own!

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